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Monday, November 29, 2004


Hello Friends...

I am about ready to fall asleep at work today. I was up playing World of Warcraft with Erik agian last night, and before I knew it, it was 5:00 a.m. and I had to be up for work in less the two hours!!! So here I am, barely able to speak at work, with a splitting headache, despite the three aspirin I popped an hour ago. I can't really focus on work, so instead I thoght I'd waste a few minutes updating ya'll on my goings on.

Last night was fun, but boy is that game addictive. I'm supposed to go to lunch with some of the guys from work (Tim and Steve) but I think I'm going to skip it and take a nap in my car. Not that that will help. It'll probably just make me feel worse. The saddest part is, I'll probably get talked into playing some more by Erik tonight. Oh well...I'm for sure going to go to bed at a reasonable time tonight. Besides, I still have that new pack of Soprano's DVD's to get through. I'm up to season three. Sure, I'm a little behind the curve, but I love that show. It's my second favorite, behind the Simpsons of course. Nothing could ever top that show.

Well, time's up. I should get back to work. I think the medicine is finally kicking in (or maybe the coffee). Until later!


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