Hello Everyone.
Well, I ended up not falling asleep for the rest of the night. To much adrenaline, and too much paranoia. But I do have a Carrie update. She finally took my call at work. I'm so confused by life right now. She says she still likes me, but that she's "confused" about things, and needs some time away from me to clear her head. Does anyone know what she means by that? I mean, I thought things were going great between us, but now all of a sudden, they aren't? She asked me to stop calling her, and said she would call me when she was ready to see me again. :( All I can say is my heart is broken, I have a headache, and I'm generally pretty miserable right now. Why are girsl like this? Not to be mean to anyone out there, but why do they play with your heart like this? I mean, if she felt uncomfortable with things, with the way things were going between us, why did she invite me out to her cabin for the weekend? Why did she call me all the time, and spend so much time with me, if she wasn't ready? And now, I'm the one being punished, I'm the one who is miserable and depressed, because the person who I love all of a sudden is sick of me. This sucks. I hope things work out between us. It's amazing how quickly things an go from being perfect (or nearly so) to being horrible. I just want some answers, but she asked me not to call her. This is so frustrating.
Sorry to vent guys. I guess I'm just a little down is all. Oh well. I guess we'll see what happens. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I hope you're all doing really well. UNtil later.
Thank you! I may just take you up on that. I hope this eventually gets easier. :)
2:51 PM
argh. i hate girls like this! i'm so sorry she's being that way. i don't understand why people feel the need to be so distant after having been so intimate. it makes no sense at all. and, i don't mean to diss on the girl you love, but it seems to me that if she's had bad sexual experiences before, that it was a bit unseemly of her to get into a sexual relationship so soon with a near stranger. you are obviously a great guy, and it was totally not fair of her to take advantage of you like that. she was incredibly lucky to have a guy like you who actually respected her and loved her enough as a person to do that with her, rather than it just being her body that you loved.
i'm sorry she's acting this way. it's very immature and it's downright mean of her. however, if her other relationships started out in the same way, it's understandable that she would want to back off a little. not knowing that you truly are a gentleman, all she knows is that you could turn out like the others. but that still doesn't give her the right to be so cold. she owes you an explanation at least. and to say that she will call you when she's ready is basically saying she'll call you when it's convenient for her. you can't do that with love. love can't be something that is convenient or not. if you loving her is not convenient for her, that it's getting in her way, then something's not right. love can always be had. she ought to appreciate your calls, and should at least have the common decency to return your calls.
hm. so that was a bit of a rant. sorry, heh. but i feel better having said it. i don't know how much i can say though, not knowing either of you. but if you wanted any advice, or words of encouragement, or simply a kindly rant, that's what i have to say. i hope it all works out well for you dear!
10:17 PM
You're too kind, and I certainly hope you're right. I'm trying to have the attitude that whatever happens, is what's supposed to happen. Here's to blind hope. :)
9:09 AM
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