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Wednesday, February 02, 2005

I'm the clumsiest moron of them all...

So I had another run in with the ghost, and I ended up hurting myself in the process. It scared me really bad at first, but then I just ended up feeling stupid. Which is certainly nothing new to me.

So I was sitting in bed, reading (I've been having trouble sleeping lately). I was reading "The Story of the Eye" By Geroges Bataille, which is probably the most disturbing book I've ever read, even more so than Naked Lunch by William S. Burroughs, and it actually predates it by quite a long time. Man that's a screwed up novel. Anyway, I was lying in bed, reading, when I heard the something in the kitchen. It sounded like someone had closet one of the cupboards. I sat up and starte dlistening, unsure if maybe I was hearing things. And sure enough, I heard it again, the distinct sound of one of my cupboards opening, and another one closing. Since now I'm kind of getting used to this, I tried ignoring it. But it seemed like the more I ignored it, the more upset the ghost got, and the louder the banging was. Erik had stopped sleeping on my couch a few nights back, since again, nothing was happening but my stupid nightmares, so I was alone in the house (of course! What bad luck I have!)

So I got out of bed, threw on some random clothes that were in my room, and crept towards the door. As soon as I startedmoving though, the cupboards stopped as well. I opened the door and peared out into the hallway. Suddenyl, and completely silently, a hooded figure wearing white walked past my door in the hallway. It freaked me out so badly, and I stumbled backwards in terror. I tripped over my computer chair trying to get away form the door (it's funny how your survival instinct kind of take over, and you don't realize what you're doing), and I banged the back of my head on the computer desk corner as I fell backwards. I laid on the floor for a second, a bit dazed, when the door to my bedroom slammed shut. I don't mean the wind blew it closed, I don't mean it closed because of gravity, I mean it closed like some angry teenager had just fought with his parents and stormed off to his room and slammed the door. I slowly pulled myself to a sitting position on the floor, and felt the back of my head. There was a huge lump developing where I had hit it, and there was a little bit of blood in my hair. Also, apparently, as I was falling , I had tried to catch myself, and ripped up the cuts on my hand frm yesterday even more, because they were bleeding again,a dn my hand and head both were throbbing. But the funny thing is, as I was just sitting there, my heart pounding from the adrenaline and my body screaming at me for being so clumsy, I didn't really feel afraid, I just felt stupid. I mean, here I am, discovering and seeing things that maybe no one has ever done before, and what do I do to impress this ghost, or even demon, that's decided to visit me? I nearly knock myself out falling over my own furniture.

Maybe the ghost will leave me alone, once he realizes how completely pathetic of a person he's decided to pick on.

But now I've seen the ghost. It's definitely a ghost, and I just wish I knew what it wanted. It was rumaging around my kitchen, maybe it wanted some Captain Crunch? Sorry if I'm being flippant about the whole thing. I think it might be a coping mechanism. I mean, how am I supposed to wrap my head around something like this? It's insane!!!


Blogger Laura said...

gah! again, i just want to see it. though it would scare the crap out of me, i'm sure. maybe you should have some sort of system with erik, where you (quietly and unsuspiciously) call him (on a cell phone? or a phone in your room? ooh! walkie talkies!) and have him run over when you hear this stuff to see if it stops or if he can catch some of it. even if he's just standing outside the door and can hear things closing. is it worth a try? or is erik just totally over it? and it seems as though the ghosts disappear anytime you, or anyone else, begins to 'know' they're there. rather than when you're just ignoring them, you know? anyhoo, this all intrigues me, and i'm throwing out anything that comes to mind, so there you go!

11:18 AM

Blogger jennifer said...


You posted on my less-than active blogs about your ghost problem. Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner. I'm at work right now, but I'll read up on your ghost problems and get back to you.


1:59 PM

Blogger Laura said...


if that link doesn't work (even when you copy paste) then go to this blog and look at the ghost video!: http://sauntering.blogspot.com/

does your ghost and that ghost look anything alike? it sounds like it from the description. the hoodedness anyway. ghosts! weee!

5:01 PM

Blogger Aimee said...

Ya know, JD, this demon is getting braver. Actually, it's not about bravery, it's about the ability to control. Yep, it has more control over you than you think. Also, it's not a ghost, it's a demon. Demons come in MANY forms, and white cloaks can be one of them. I used to see a hooded white cloaked demon almost every day... at least twice a week. Getting used to it will only keep it around. One last thing, it think it's the same demon you "dreamt" about. Ya know, the one that was in your living room and flies came out of its mouth? Personally, i don't think you dreamt that... i think that was your first encounter with it.

I watched the video clip that Lohan posted. I don't believe in ghosts because a soul doesn't wander the earth after it dies; however, i'm sure you have your own opinion. Keep in mind that demons will come in which ever form they need to. If you need to be shown white so you'll think it's a ghost, it will come that way. To go out on a ledge, i think that you're dealing with a demon that is attempting to drive you to sucide. You mentioned that your father commited suicide, and things like this run in family lines. Also (i know i said i'd stop talking a while ago, but yeah, bear with me) if the demons/spirits (not ghosts) think you're getting closer to the truth, they will get worse in efforts to stop you. Be strong and willing to fight because they will leave- they have to according to Christ.

11:00 PM

Blogger JD Peterson said...

Hmmm.....so the demon's are trying to get me to commit suicide? Just like my Dad huh. I guess that's something to think about. The only thing I don't understand though is, what is this demon doing to try and make me commit suidice? I haven't felt particularly depressed about the whole thing. It's been more about Carrie.

12:09 PM

Blogger Krista Springtead said...

you know, more and more, aimee appears to have a bit of a handle on this situation.
and what she says is absolutely true according to what i have read in the bible. listen to her, JD. do what she says.

this has become a bit more than just a few fun stories for people to tell. this is reality, and your line between dreaming and reality is muddled.

this demon is getting a bit biligerent...you need to do something about it. what? i don't know. ask aimee :)

6:49 PM

Blogger Aimee said...

Thanks K!

Demons (should you give them room and ability to) can drive you to the point of depression, insanity, suicide etc. And yes, they'll follow you around... i mentioned that in my emails. The spiritual realm is really quite facinating. There is more than anyone can comprehend and to watch spiritual warfare is an amazing sight.

Ya know, something just occured to me.

About the time i started talking to ya'll, my nightmares started again, and there's been a few times that things would come "visit" me. For instance, i was on the phone with someone around 3 am and i had an encounter with 2 demons. (i know this sounds nuts, but yeah... you still know i'm telling the truth) Here's how i handled it. I told them to leave. Plain and simple. I stopped my phone conversation, told them to leave, and picked up where i left off. Also, i had an odd nightmare/dream like state where the same demons invaded my space. Again, i told them to leave and they did. One last thing; yes, i think that your cuts/scratches weren't commited by you. If i could, i'd show you a scar on my leg from a nasty cut i woke up with one morning. That's a whole other story, but yeah... this isn't a game any more. For what it's worth, i'm going to bat for you- praying and what not. We'll see what happens.

11:22 PM


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