Another Exhausted Day
Well, I just got into work, and I thought I'd type up a quick update, so as to avoid doing any actual work until my brain fully wakes up. I need to get me some coffee!
I'm doing well. I still have some scratches, and my shoulders are both pretty sore, but what can you do? I didn't have any bad dreams last night, they were the usual kind of dreams that I have, completely random and weird. in one dream, I was Odie in the Garfield comic strip, and no matter how hard I tried, Garfield always out-smarted me, making me look completely follish in front of Jon, our owner. I hate Garfield, so why I had a dream about him is beyond me.
So other than that, there's not much new. I got rid of the Ouiji Board, and it hasn't reappeared. At least, not yet. According to a lot of people, it will. And, for those of you who were worried about it, I got rid of the Book as well. I tried to sell it at a used bookstore, but unfortunately, they don't by books that are ripped up and missing the first couple of pages. So I tossed it in the trash can. If this solves the ghost problem, then I'll be feeling rather stupid. I mean, a book, that's possesed? Seems kind of silly to me. But then, the idea of hauntings seemed pretty silly to me as well. And now look at me. :)
I've started looking into therapy for the nightmares, etc. And to get over Carrie. I don't know. When I said "sometimes youhave to be masochistic", I didn't mean in the cutting yourself kind of way (it seems like some people took it that way). I just meant, listening to depressing music when your depressed can feel a bit masochistic. So it's not like I'm intentionally hurting myself or anything. But I appreciate the concern.
Other than that, there's not all that much new in my world. I'ma little tired. I played a lot of video games the other night, and have had no ghost attacks since last week. Erik is a little dissappointed. Me, I can't say I am. I'm ready to move out and have this whole thing be over with.
Hope you're all doing well, and thanks for being so cool!!!
eeww...i hate garfield too.
12:34 PM
Yea, Jim Davis has been redrawing the same stupid cartoon for years and years. They're just not funny. I miss the good ol' days of the Far Side and Calvin and Hobbes. :(
12:47 PM
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