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Tuesday, April 26, 2005

The Stangest Dream I've Ever Had

I'm sorry to do this, to write another lengthy entry about a dream I had last night, but it was really bizarre, and it kind of scared me. Not the sort of, jolt out of bed with a fast heartbeat because an axe murderer was after me sort of dream, but it scared me because it was disturbing, and didn't feel like a dream. It felt real. I know it couldn't have been, but it really, really felt like it was.

Anyway, here's the dream:

It started off a lot like my old nightmares/hallucinations would. I was laying in bed, trying to fall asleep. I was in that strange, dreamlike trance, where you’re really tired, but not quite asleep, and it almost feels like your brain is spinning upward in your skull. Just as I was about to drift off, I heard a knocking at my front door. I got out of bed, threw on some gray boxer pants I have, and walked into the living room. I was still groggy and tired, and my eyes felt swollen and sleepy. I heard a knock again at the front door, and I went to look out into the hallway to see who it was. There was no one standing in the Hallway, at least that I could see through the peephole, so I kind of shrugged my shoulders and walked away to go back to bed.

As I was going to the hallway to go back to my bedroom, there was another knock at the door. I walked to the door and opened it. The hallway was perfectly still, which isn’t too abnormal given the time (it must have been around 2 O’clock a.m. or so), with a few scattered children’s toys from the neighbors sitting on the plaid dirty carpeting. At the end of the hallway near the staircase which leads down to the exits was a man. He was dressed in what looked like black leather pants, an extremely tight black long sleeve shirt, and he was wearing a strange frowning clown mask that covered his face.

I stood there staring at him, completely surprised, and having no idea of what this was, or what I should do. He then held his hand out and gestured for me to follow him, and he started quickly walking down the stairs. I looked back at my apartment, and then decided “Why the hell not?” and half ran, half walked to try and catch up to him. When I exited the building into the street, he was already half way down the block. I couldn’t believe how quickly he was moving, even though he was never running (it’s that weird kind of dream reality, where impossible things happen). Anyway, he kept walking, and suddenly took a sharp turn into an alleyway between several old apartment buildings near my place. I started to jog, trying to catch up to him. When I turned into the alley, I could see he had stopped about halfway in. It was hard to make out his form exactly, he was crouching near on of the buildings, and he was reaching out his hand, which disappeared into the black shadows in front of him. It looked like there was someone lying on the ground, leaning against the wall at his feet. Their legs were the only thing exposed by the light, on either side of the Man I had followed’s crouched form. They had some brown trousers with brown leather dress shoes on.

I tentatively started walking forward, towards the man I had followed, when the person lying near his feet (I could make the form out much better now) began to shake and convulse violently. It looked like the Man I followed was choking him, or holding his throat. I started walking towards him much faster, to see if I could possible help. Then I saw something really strange. Thick, black grey tentacles were writhing up the Man I had followed’s arm. They were about an inch thick, and there where four or five of them, moving and sliding, grasping his arm tightly. I could see something happening to the form in the shadow, it was moving and shifting, but I couldn’t quite see what was happening. I stopped dead in my tracks. I could hear what sounded like bones cracking, or shifting as the tentacles continued to writhe, and the two legs which were exposed to light continued to shake. Suddenly, I could see a couple of very small tentacles (they must have been about as thick around as a straw) flipping and twirling through the air. They were long enough that they were breaching the light, which was why I could make them out in the dim alley, but they disappeared into the terrible darkness behind them.

I was absolutely terrified. The bone cracking noise continued, along with a tearing sound, and the legs were pulled into the shadowy mass. I stumbled backwards, to terrified to even speak. I didn’t understand what was happening, but I knew it wasn’t a good thing. I’ve had monster dreams before, but nothing like this. This was really terrifying. As I backed away, I bumped intoa figure. I turned around, jumping, and there were three more men (or at least, I think they were men) dressed in the same way as the man I had followed. They were standing in front of the entrance to the alley, they white clown masks glinting wickedly in the yellow orange street lamp overhead.

“Who are you?” I asked. As my voice broke the stillness of the alleyway, the tentacles withdrew from the Man I had followed’s arms into the shadow, which a loud sucking noise, and then everything was silent. The three men standing in my way didn’t respond, but continued to watch me coolly, as I backed away from them towards the brick wall of the alley. I started to slowly move away, and they kept watching me, their heads slowly turning to follow me.

“What do you want from me?” I asked in desperation. I tried to make my voice sound confidant, but I could feel it crack and jump from the mixture of intense fear and adrenaline coursing through my body. One of the masked men standing near me finally spoke.

“You have been chosen my young friend. Chosen to understand and be awoken. The book has chosen you. It has never left you. It will never leave you. Read, and learn from it. Shed this mortal skin with which you mask your true self.”

I continued to back away from them, and they watched me go. Once I was out of the alley, I turned and ran back to my apartment. I was really tired, so I laid back down in bed and went to sleep.

And that was the end of my dream. I had a couple more dreams that night, but none of them as vivid as this one was. I need to pick up some books on dream interpretation to figure out what the hell my subconscious mind is trying to tell me. It just felt soooo real. I dunno, I’m sure with time it’ll fade in my mind. I should try to go back to bed and get some more rest. It’s, wow, only like 4:30 in the morning. I just wanted to get al this stuff down while it’s still fresh in my brain. I have kind of a headache, so maybe some sleep will do me good. Sleep without any more dreams like that one anyway.