Excerpt From The Book
Here is an excerpt from the “The Book of the Prayers of the Master”. (on page 167 it refers to itself by saying “…the words written here, in the book of the prayers of the master.” So I can finally stop calling it “the Behalah Book”!).
“…and then shall those who appose the truth be devoured by the beasts of the field. Their skin shall be torn, their flesh eaten, and their eyes shall run from their sockets, and the fields shall be filled with the smell of death and decay, and their bodies shall reach towards the heavens, the terrible great ruin shall be upon the face of the whole earth. And in that day, the sun shall not show her face, and the trees will be burnt as stubble, and the earth shall return to her primitive form, and all living things shall bow before thee, Behalah, Master of all things, the faceless one, the traveler, the devourer of worlds. Come swiftly, my master, and let us be reborn into death…”
“…and as I stood at the precipice, I beheld the darkness which was before me, and it was terrible and great. And in the darkness, I heard the whisperings of life and death, and I saw the eyes of Behalah, the great and terrible. And I knew the abyss, and I saw the abyss, and I was the abyss. And behold, all shall come to Behalah, all shall come to know the darkness. All shall bow before it, or shall be destroyed by thy mighty winds of fury.”
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