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Thursday, January 20, 2005


Hello Everyone.

Robyn, a fellow blogger, sent me a bunch of questions about the whole ghost thing, so she can maybe give me some advice. So I thought I'd post the questions and my answers for everyone to read. The nice thing about the internet, is even though you guys kind of know who I am, I don't really feel emberassed about talking about my personal things, because I'll probably never meet any of you. :)

Well first off get rid of the book you found. I think I posted that onyour blog somewhere.
-How could the book be linked to this? I'm just curious about that one :) -

The questions are basic:

Do you or anyone in your family have a history of any of the following:

Mental illness
-My Dad comitted suicide a few years back. He probably suffered from some sort of depression or mania or something, but I don't think he was ever diagnosed. I didn't know him all that well. -

Drug or Alcohol Addiction
-My Mom drinks on ocassion, but I wouldn't label it alchoholism. My Dad drank a bit more, but again, I didn't know him all that well, so it's hard for me to answer.-

Psychic ability-I don't know if I even believe this exists, so the answer would be not that I know of-

Magickal Practice
-Again, not that I know of-

-I guess everyone has enemies of some kind or another, but nothing I can think of, nothing like a Green Goblin to Spiderman kind of thing-

Have you brough anything new into your home?
-Nothing recent, other than mundane things like groceries and the like.-

Have you had a relative friend/enemy or pet die recently?
-Nothing very recent. I don't have many friends, and no pets-

Have you ever used a hallucinogen (acid/lsd or the like)?
-I've been curious about them, but no, never have used them. Too many things could go wrong-

Have you every had a strange encounter of this kind before?

Did you have invisible playmates as a child?
-Umm....nothing that ever played back. I used to make up stories about a "friend" I had, but I knew it wasn't real when I was doing it.-

Do you believe in the spirit world?
-I'm not sure. I do believe in God, but beyond that I just get confused. :)-

Do you lucid dream?
-What is this? I guess if I'm asking, then probably not-

Do you ever feel like you are out of sync with the waking world?
-Sometimes I feel detached, almost like I'm watching a movie or soemthing, but that's only when I get pretty depressed-

Do you hear voices?
-Yes. But only since the "Ghost" stuff started happening. usually it's just my name being whispered, or seomthing unintelligable.-

How many hours of sleep do you get on a regular basis?
-I try to get 8, although usually I don't sleep the entire 8 hours, it takes me awhile to fall asleep.-

Do you believe in UFOs?
-I believe in UFO's, but I'm unsure about the aliens that are in them. I think they're more likely new planes being tested by our government-

Have you ever been abducted?

Were you abused as a child?
-I was spanked occassionaly, but nothing i'd label as abuse-

Have you ever had a head injury?
-Nothing like a concussion. I've had some stitches, but nothing serious-

Have you ever had a near death experience?

Are you actively part of some spiritual movement ( ie. Church, wicca,paganism, shamanism, buddhist)?
-Not really. Like I said, it's mostly just confusing, so I guess I'm agnostic-

Does this situation cause you fear?
-It does when it's happening, but when it isn't, I feel fine. I'm not afraid to be in my house or anything.-

Have you been injured by the spirit? If so how and when?
-Nope. I've just been scared by it-

Do these occurances take place at certain times or in certain places?
-They usually seem to happen at night, and in my apartment.-

Do you feel over stressed?
-Occasionally yes, but I don't think anymore than what most people feel-

Have you told people about what is going on or do you keep it quiet?
-I've told a couple of friends, and obviously, I'm blogging what's happening.-

Do you feel that the spirit wants something from you?
-Not that I can tell.-

How many spirits do you feel are involved?
-I have no idea. Maybe one? Who knows?-

Do you want this activity to stop?
-It would be nice. I mean, as long as they're not hurting me or anything, then I guess it's not that big of a deal, but it is a little freaky when I actually sit down and think about it.-

Those are the questions. I left out "Does the activity pick up whenyou are having your period"
- Well why would you leave that one out? :) -


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