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Monday, January 03, 2005

Haunted House?

OK, so some weird things have been happening in my little apartment lately, and I'm starting to think it's haunted. i know, it sounds stupid, and I normally totally don't believe in those sorts of things, but some really weird things have happened to me. Here are just a few:

1 - The knocking on my door. You might remember awhile back there were some people knocking on my door, and I thought it was the neighbor kids pulling a prank. Well, it turns out it wasn't them at all. And the knocking would happen at 3 or 4 in the morning someitmes, and every time I ran to the door, the hallway was empty. i wouldn't hear any footsteps running away, or anything. Just an empty hall.

2 - Sometimes I hear footsteps in my living room. At first I thought it was just the building adjusting, or settling, or just the normal creaks you hear in an old building, but now I'm not so sure. And everytime I walk out to the living room to try and see what it is, the sound stops. But it sounds an awful lot like footsteps creaking the hardwood floors. Like someone is slowly walking around the room. WAY CREEPY!

3 - Last night, I was in my bed sleeping, when a loud sound from my kitchen woke me up. It sounded like someone popping a champaign bottle. I sat up, wondering what the heck that noise could have been, when I heard about six more pops, like someone was popping a really loud bag of popcorn. I got up and went to the kitchen, and there was nothing there. When I opened the cupboards though, there was something weird. The screw on tops to a bunch of bottles I had (like Olive Oil, VInegar, Vanilla Excract, etc.) had apparently popped off. I don't get it though. I mean, what could have done something like that? I guess maybe if there was a weird pressure change, or something, but those were screw on tops, not corks. It really freaked me out.

4 - I swear, and I know people will think I'm crazy, and it's probably just my imagination, but I swear sometimes I hear something whisper my name. Like I'll be in the shower, and from behind me I'll hear "JD". Sure, it could just be the shower, or it could have been the wind, but it sounds A LOT like someone whispering my name. It's scary, for sure!!!

So what do you all think. Has anyone had any experiences like this? Or do you think it's just an overactive imagination of a guy who's depressed over his terribel love life. :) Let me know what you think.


Blogger Optimus Skiver said...

Fuckin' A! Could I spend the night? Kidding. I could be your imagination, but I never got so depressed to make tops come off of bottles, noises maybe, but nothing would ever moved...

You could try researching the apartment, but that usually end up with people looking for ways it could be haunted, and not really looking for anything that would be making the noises... Good luck with that, and don't lose too much sleep over it.

11:56 AM

Blogger pinkpigpie said...

:) I hear my name spoken all the time. Maybe I'm just egotistical. Nevertheless, ugh. Creepy! You're pretty brave to sleep in an apartment where things like that are going on. I don't think I could do it!

If it started up when you met Carrie, it seems like it would have to be related. Stress does strange things to people...

I hope all of this sorts itself out for you soon!

8:52 PM

Blogger JD Peterson said...

That would be funny if my ghosts where whispering "Rutharoni" in my ear. At least then I'd know they have a sense of humor. :)

10:28 AM


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