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Monday, February 14, 2005

Blog Disclaimer

Hello Everyone. Sorry I haven't posted for awhile.

First of all, to "Just Me", I don't know if you meant your movie comment to make it sound like I was a good writer, or like I'm making all this crap up, but be careful. You don't need to come to my blog, no ones asking you to, and you certianly shouldn't come here to pick fights with people like Aimee, who are only trying to help me, and who understand what I'm going through. Frankly, I don't really care wether or not you or anybody else believes me, and I'm sure Aimee feels the same. But please be civil and nice to my friends, and don't accuse them of lying about who they are and what they've been through. Aimee has e-mailed me a lot about her past, and I for one, believe everything she's said to me, niot only because I have no reason to doubt her, but also because a lot of the things she's told me about her past are almost identical to what is happening to me, and they are small details that I haven't written about on the Blog. So believe what you like (after all, sceptecism is healthy), but there's no need to be nasty.

I'll update ya'll with my weekend events a little bit later. I'm swamped at work!


Blogger Michelle, the moon rabbit said...

I'm going to e-mail what I have to say to you JD.

Aimee....you were dead wrong about me. Nice try though.

If anyone would like to challenge my knowledge, e-mail me.


3:33 PM


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