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Friday, February 04, 2005

Insane Or Not?

Well, maybe this whole Blogging thing was a bad idea. Now I have people telling me I'm going slowly insane from the amount of stress in my life. ;)

Intriguing idea. But here's something that doesn't make much sense. The whole "Ghost/Demon" thing started way back before my life became super stressful. Before I met Carrie, and before she riped my heart to tiny little pieces. So why would it have started back then? I just don't get it. Also, let's try and remember that while sometimes I am frantic and scared by this stuff, the reason my Blog seems so calm and flippant, is that by the time I've written in here, I've had time to roll things around in this tiny brain of mine, and come to grips with them.

As for Erik never seeing anything, well, maybe he just has bad timing. The events seem to occur about once a week or so, and Erik was only ever gung-ho about seeing a ghost for a few days after one event. See, Erik has the attention span of a gnat on speed, so he quickly grows tired of things.

By the way, special thanks and non-romantic-intended-hugs (in case you think I'm a creepy insane internet freak) go out to Aimee and Lohan's for defending my honor. If I were a Princess, you'd by my Knights in shining armor. :)

Now, in order to prove my sanity, or at least prove that this isn't just me, I've offered to Barry, and he has graciously accepted, the oppourtunity to sleep on my couch for the next week. If nothing happens, and he sees nothing, then I'll go get some help or something, since it means it could just be me and my mental problems. But if he does see something, maybe then people will start to take me more seriously. Or at least, stop telling me I'm crazy. :)

So does that satisfy everyone? I hope so. I invited Erik to sleep here as well, but well, he's ben kind of weird around me ever since I had that really bad nightmare. Oh well. People are like that I guess. And you've got to roll with the punches. :)


Blogger Laura said...

aww. non-romantic-hugs back! and woo! i'm a knight in shining armor! take THAT *brandishes sword* anyone who opposes our ghosties and demons!!!

5:21 PM

Blogger Laura said...

...that's not to say you're a princess though...;)

5:22 PM

Blogger Optimus Skiver said...

Yeah, no saving throws you could do for that one, he'll be creeped out for a while. Now, I'm not one to say you're crazy, or that you're being haunted, but I am certainly hoping for the best. You sound precisely like me, and that's a bit scary, cause that means I may just have the same fate. So I'm rooting for you either way (but I hope it's just ghosts). I'm surprised nobody has prescribed a prostitute... That's usually the first thing people tell me to do in situations like that...

As for Lohans, she's my shining knight too, so you're gonna have to share.

5:28 PM

Blogger Aimee said...

I'm glad that lohan and i could be of some service of defence. :p *non-romantic hugs back*

if it helps, i've counseled lots of people- in an office and outside of one, and i don't think you need therapy. At least for this. :)

And it makes perfect sense that you had nightmares and the like before the stress. Remember what i said about the generational/promising thing? Evil doesn't come in through the back door with rage, sulfur, complete with horns and screeches. It appears in a tuxedo or in dockers; it reaches out to shake your hand and welcomes you into a seemingly unending cycle of turmoil and confusion. The bible says that Satan can come as an angel of light, and i can attribute to that. Barry will probably see nothing and just as a heads up... if you go to a therapist and tell them you hear things, see things, etc- they will diagnose you as schizophrenic. That's coming from a psych student/counselor who has worked with lots of people. Be guarded and most of all be careful.

8:53 PM

Blogger JD Peterson said...

You didn't offend my Midnight Lamp, it's just weird to hear someone say "All this stuff that's been going on might just be in your head". I mean, I know stuff like that happens to people, and it has to be hard, but I doubt anyone wants to hear they might be that sick. So no offense taken, and please, continue to comment away. :)

10:02 AM


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