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Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Cops Are Useless!!!

I'm pissed off, so sorry if this post is less than cordial. I've not had a good morning. But at least I'm skipping work again. Allow me to explain.

This morning, I got up to get ready for work. I was running a bit late again, and Barry had already left. I was really tired again. I've been having trouble sleeping lately, what with all the creepy goings on. So I got ready, grabbed a Mountain Dew out of the fridge to try and wake myself up a bit, and went to my car. But when I got to my car, I noticed a pile of something on the hood. As I got close, I could see that there were three dead birds. Normally, a dead bird wouldn't suprise me, but there were three of them sitting there, three big black dead birds, and they were arranged in the shape of a triangle, head to tail. Well, that struck me as odd, and coupled with the weird note I got, I figured that this wasn't a "natural" occurance, that probably someone had put them there. So, I did what I thought was right, and what Optimus Skiver has recommended I do. I called the cops.


I'm sorry if you know a cop and are offended by that statement. But it's true. So I called the police, and told them I'd received a threatening letter and there was a dead animal on my car, and they told me they'd send a patrol car over as soon as they could. So I waited around, and about two hours later this cop shows up. He looked to be about my age. THis is roughly how the conversation went.

Cop - Hello, are you JD?

Me - Yes. Thanks for coming out. Here's the dead animals I found on my car this morning. (I gestured towards the hood of my car).

Cop - (Smirking) Yea, so some kids were playing with some dead birds. Is that all.

Me - (pausing) Um....so you think some kids took some dead birds and arranged them in a triangle on the hood of my car?

Cop - Well, who do you think did it? Besides, it's not like they broke a law or anything.

Me - Well, what about this (I pulled the letter I found yesterday out of my pocket and handed it to the cop)?

Cop - (Reading letter) And this was foudn with the birds?

Me - No. I found it yesterday. Someone had slipped it under my door.

Cop - (Smirking) Huh, so how does this have anything to do with the birds?

Me - (Pausing in disbelief) What do you mean? It's a threat!

Cop - (holding the letter out in front of me) Where did they threaten you exactly?

Me - With the whole "watching me in my sleep" line. Isn't that against the law. They're basically saying they're going to stalk me. Isn't that illegal?

Cop - Well, I guess so, but only if you can identify who it is. Do you know who might have wanted to send something like this to you?

Me - I have no idea.

Cop - Hmm....I don't see why your conecting this to a couple of dead birds on your car. It sounds unrelated to me. Probably just some kids pranking you or something.

Me - So what should I do? I don't want to keep getting harrasing letters, and I don't like finding dead animals on my car.

Cop - (sighing heavily) Look, keep the letter (handing the letter back to me). If you get another one, or you find some more animals or something, then give us a call and we'll file a report. But for now, this looks like a coincidence to me. Anyone could have sent this letter to you. You could have sent it to yourself.

Me - (getting angry) I didn't...

Cop - Look, I'm not saying you did, but until we have something more concrete than a vaguely threatening letter and some dead birds to go on, no one is going to take this seriously. (He started walking back to his car) Listen, if something else happens, then give us a call, and we'll look into it. For now, just try to relax, and if you can think of any reason why anyone would want to send this to you, make a note of it in case this continues. I've got to get going. (Get's in car)

Me - (Standing there watching the cop drive away) Thanks for nothing...

So now I'm at home, paranoid to leave my apartment, and paranoid to stay in it. I could probably handle one thing at a time, but weird ghost crap mixed with weird stalker crap is a bit to much right now. I just need to calm down.


Blogger Michelle, the moon rabbit said...

Sorry to hear that you had dead birds on your car and that the cop didn't at least remove them...hasn't he heard of that disease that's going around? SHEESH!

I'm working on something for you and when I'm done, I'll e-mail it to you.

Don't be nice.... Be EXTREMELY cautious. Get some motion detector camaras, find out if the landlord has camaras in the parking lot and see who's going around your car. Tell them that someone is messing with you and it's getting OLD. Did you tell the cop that your tires were slashed too?

Have you called any paranormal experts yet?

2:52 PM

Blogger JD Peterson said...

Thanks for the sympathy. And making me feel like a complete moron. No, I didn't mention the tire slashing. I didn't really think about it, since I was so preoccupied with the birds and the note. It's probably too late to call them and tell them that too. Damn...

The apartment I live in doesn'thave a parking lot, so unfortunately, there is no video. it's near a park, and all the parking is on the street. Erik had his window smashed in and his cd's stolen (although they left a couple of his cd's there. Soem sort of criticism of his taste?)last summer. He called the cops, but typical, they never found anything.

I've e-mailed a couple of paranormal investigators, but I'm nervous about letting strangers into my house. I guess we'll see what they say...

Thanks for your concern. :)

3:28 PM

Blogger Optimus Skiver said...

I hope you kept the tow recipt, or the the bill from the mechanic, because those should be dated, and they may be admisable still. Hah, cops are always late when you're in danger, and when you're in trouble, they're always five minutes early! Maybe you should have said you were a rich, white, blond chick--with big boobs--next time,they'll be there in a giffy. I don't quite know how you'd explain your sex change when they arrive, but meh. Anyway, a lot of them are dicks...

I'm sorry he's holding it as a prank, it's only natural for them to think that, they get a shit load of those, and they'd be quite sick of them. I hope they take you seriously before harm happens...

5:01 PM


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