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Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Not Sad Anymore, Just Angry

Sorry I haven't updated for quite some time, it's just been hard to do much of anything lately. Especially anything that requires higher brain functions. Raw emotions seem to be the order of the day here in my world, and I've realized that I'm not really that sad, I'm just angry. Very angry. Every time I think about what happened Saturday night, it just makes my blood boil. But what can I do about it? Everybody probably has gone through something similar to this. Here's what I don't understand though, and what makes me so upset. And I'm sorry if this is boring to some of you. :) Let's say there's a boy in your life, who you're not really interested in, for whatever reason (he's ugly, stupid, annoying, whatever), so you break up with him. And, let's say this boy, is begining to come to grips with this, even though his heart is pretty broken. How on earth could a person be so cold and callous to call this poor boy, give him hope that maybe things will work out, leave it vague enough to make him think that maybe you'll be together again, only to break up with him agian in person? As if the poor boys tender little heart hadn't been through enough witht he first break up, now you have to do it again? Not only does that seem mean and vicious, but it seems pretty desperate, like maybe she's starved for attention, and is using me as a means to get it, by stringing me along.

Don't get me wrong, I mean, yea, she hurt me, and is a jerk, but the worst part is, part of me still likes her, and hopes that maybe she'll change her mind, and call me. Unfortunately, that's just the way I'm wired, maybe it;s the lonliness getting to me, or maybe it's just my desperation, but I'd probably take her back if I could. Now I sound completely pathetic. Does anybody know how I can get rid of those feelings? Everyday is getting a little bit easier, for the most part, some days are worse, some better, but I'm just so tired of feeling like crap. Running away from everything suddenly seems like a such wonderful idea. Still wouldn't change anything though. Today I've decided to try and move on with my life, not romantically, but just to keep going, keep breathing,a nd keep living until Carrie is simply a distant memory of pain, like when you get your first shot as a little kid going into school. At least I have good friends (Erik, Charlie, Sam, Nate, and of course, my new Blog Pals, who all are the kindest people in the world, with your e-mails and words of comfort, which I appreciate more than you could ever know). Not that it really matters right now, since all I want is to be held.



Blogger Optimus Skiver said...

Sigh... I never had a girlfriend until recently, but I got shot down a lot, and I took those way too harshly, so I know vaguely how you feel. I these kinds of things are normal, and you aren't weird for acting the way you are, because that's normal too. I wouldn't suggest sleeping all day, or walking into a tornado storm, because those don't quite help much (though the wind and rain are quite refreshing).

Heh, there's a song by The Streets that describes the situation you're in (Dry Your Eyes)--my brother played that a lot when he severed from his long running girlfriend. I hear the Disintegration album by the Cure is good for break ups, but that just might be too depressing for you (but that's what I turn to). Video games might work, but I know it's hard to pick up a controller when you're like that. Walking will definitely help you out, but that might not be too smart with you being that far north and all... Try doing something you enjoy, and keep up the physical activity (you could use the seratonin boost).

I hope you feel better in a week.

2:30 PM

Blogger pinkpigpie said...

:( That sucks. I know you probably didn't want an answer to "What can I do about it?" but (there's always a "but") what I would do is put as much positive and loving energy out into the world as you could as a way to sort of flip off this girl: "you did your best to spread negative energy and to mess up my emotions and run me into the ground, leading me on either through ignorance or maliciousness, but I thwart your best attempts! bwahahaha!" It's revenge and it's not destructive. That's the best advice I have... hope things start looking up.

8:44 PM

Blogger Aimee said...

aawww! Getting over a break up is very difficult, and unfortunately i don't have a magic spell to relieve your anguish. All i can say is i know exactly how you feel. My ex called me up one night (after 18 months of dating) and said (basically) "i don't love you any more, i've changed my mind about marriage, so bye" I was crushed and felt like the wind had been knocked from me. I had great friends that let me vent and cry all i wanted, but in the end all i truly wanted was to have him back; to hear his voice over the phone again. It wasn't instant, but i did begin to heal and found that severing all ties with him helped me the best. If i knew he was going to be somewhere i wanted to be, i wouldn't go- or avoided him in all respects as best as i could. I hung out with friends (a lot) and kept busy with anything i could. I went from hurt to VERY angry because he had led me on several times over the months, and i realized he kept me on as a "back burner" possibility. As time went on and my feelings for him were still there i asked myself were they real feelings for him or was it that i missed the relationship. Finding that most of my pain was from missing the relationship, helped me greatly as well. Is part of your loss that you miss the relationship too?

All those words to say this: time heals all wounds and dealing with how you feel is the best salve you could apply. You will get past this; i have faith in you.

11:51 PM

Blogger JD Peterson said...

Thanks for your help guys. I'm glad I'm lucky enough to have met you all before this happened. :) I'll get by, and I'm probably doing better than it seems. I just tend to Blog when I'm feeling pretty crappy, or sorry for myself. Life will go on, and I'll survive, like I always do.

1:01 PM

Blogger Michelle said...

Dude, if she treated you like this, she isn't worth it. Mourn as you should, but then move on, knowing you *will* find someone worth your time and effort again. Just don't get down on yourself because one girl decided she couldn't be bothered to make it work.

It might just be her problem...and not be you at all.

I got dumped by 3 boyfriends in a row before I met a guy who appreciated me for me and didn't want to change me into what he wanted.

As for your question about how could she do what she did? Well, maybe she was feeling guilty about hurting you and wanted to somehow apologize, or see if you were OK. She may not have been thinking about how it would hurt you more by doing what she did, but she might have instead been trying to assuage her own feelings.

Feeling lonely and like you want her back is totally normal. You miss what you had. But I wonder if what you miss is the feelings you had during the relationship, and not *her* specifically?

You have every right to be angry and hurting. Just don't wallow in it...recognize it, roll with it, and move on when you feel it's time and you feel you can. Realize that it is her loss, and let her go on her merry way.

I don't know you...but I know what you're going through. Been there. And it does get better. You've just got to ride out this rough part.

Good luck hon.

10:05 PM


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