Welcome to the world of JD. Expect the unexpected!!!

Saturday, February 26, 2005

Home Again!

Hello Everyone, I am now happy to anounce that this message is being typed to you from my old "ghost inhabited" apartment. They let me go a day late, but that's fine with me. it feels good to be back here, and living without fear. It feels almost like the last two months or so never happened at all. There are no voices in my apartment today, and I'm not afraid. That's a big step in the right direction for me.

I have a few things to say. First of all, thank you to everyone who has helped me with advice, with words, with jokes, and with prayers. You all really helped me get through a tough time. I told my therapist about my blog, and she said it was a wonderful idea, and that I should keep it up. In fact, she asked my permission to go back and read all of my entries, so she could better understand what it was like for me to go through all this stuff. It's a place where I can tell people about my thoughts, my fears, my hopes, my dreams, and never have to worry about being hurt. The worst that could happen is someone leaves a sarcastic ior rude comment on here, and I just ignore it. Hellman Jackson already did that, so I'm already adept at ignoring the jerks. :)

But I did want to say something kind of rude. This blog, this place, is sacred to me now. Its my place, my tiny little haven where I can come to be myself. I wish people could keep their comments positive, but I guess that's not the case. I have a lot of bad things going on in my life, and I guess what I'm saying is, if you guys have a disagreement, or want to argue and fight about something, then feel free to do it somewhere else. I don't want to come here and find fifteen comments posted which is an arguement between too people, each calling the other a liar. Remember that this is my blog, my place, my world, and if you're going to come into it, then please have some respect, both for me, and for the other people who come here. Poeple should be free to comment or say what they like without worrying about reprieve, or anger. Brandon, Justme, and Aimee, I understand that you all have differences of opinion, and you get mad at eachother, but don't use my blog as an excuse to go after one another. When I read your fighting, I didn't know if I should laugh outloud, or burst into tears. The part I found funniest, was that two people who both claim they are christian and follow christ, where so caught up in yelling at each other, trying to prove each other wrong, and accusing each other of being a witch or a liar, that they lost sight of Christ's greatest teaching, love. I'm not a biblical scholar by any stretch of anyone's imagination, but didn't christ teach "Love yourself, Love god, Love your neighbor, and Love your enemy"? So maybe before you come to my blog talking about who is or isn't this or that, and getting nasty and mean, you should think about how rediculous you sometimes sound. So please, feel free to jkeep reading. I value your insights, your words of encouragement, and your help, but your attacking eachother, and occasionally me, does no one any good. Keep that in mind next time.

Sorry to get of on a tangent there. Sometimes my train of thought wanders, and it's hard to focus on any one thing. My therapist said the drug I'm taking could possibly do that to me as a side effect. Oh well. I guess I'll learn to live with it until I'm well enough to do with out the drugs. Hope your all doing well.


Blogger Laura said...

Welcome Home, JD :)

2:33 PM

Blogger Brandon said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

5:36 PM

Blogger Brandon said...

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5:45 PM

Blogger Optimus Skiver said...

Rock on, you're pretty much top shape all ready! I'm glad you could be home without a fear--that's just awesome.

6:57 PM

Blogger JD Peterson said...


I really would prefer if you didn't post on my blog from here on out. I have done nothing to you, nothing to your wife, and I don't know why you insist on attacking me. It's nasty and rude. But you asked some questions, so fine, here are your answers.

1 - My diagnosis. If you were a doctor or therapist refering to your training and knowledge you learned, then that would be something, but forgive me if I don't take your quoting of Web M.D. as scripture about my mental health. But here is what my therapist has told me about my diagnosis. As near as I can understand it, Schizoaffective Disorder means you have either of the following symptoms - 1. Major Depression Episodes, or 2. Manic Espisodes, coupled with symptoms of Schizophrenia. You piss me off because, I've been living with this idea for only a few days, and already you are attacking me and my character. Your list of symptoms are the symptoms of Schizophrenia. If you have two or more of the symptoms you listed (which you yourself aknowledged I do), at least, according to trained medical proffessionals I've been seeing, you can be diagnosed with schozophrenia. What you described were the symptoms of Schizophrenia, not the symptoms of Schizoaffective Disorder Congratulations, you are a f@#$ing a@#hole and an idiot! How dare you do this to me. You are a terrible person, at least, to me you are. Your so anxious to feel like your smarter than other people that you forget that the other people you need to be so damn superior to have feelings as well.

My medication isn't an antidepressent, but then, maybe your vast Web MD experience is telling you differently. Zyprexa is an anti-psychotic drug. It's used to treat my schizophrenia, which my doctor believes is what we first need to get under control before we worry about my depression, which I seem to have a better handle on when I'm not talking to things that aren't there. You are right, my therapist told me that taking an antidepressent can be dangerous, because patients expect to improve right away, and when they don't, since the drugs take longer to start affecting the patient, there is a greater chance they'll try to take their life. but like I said, they're more worried about my hallucinations than they are my depression, and they want those under control before they figure out which antidepressent will interact least with my Zyprexa, which appears to be helping me.

Yes, my mother lives a couple of hours away. I went to the doctor near her, because it was the doctor that I had seen most of my childhood, and she felt she knew best how to treat me, since she was familiar with my history, and I had even talked to her a couple of times after my Father died. She referred me to the therapist I'm now seeing here in Minneapolis.

Lastly, and I hope this is the last time I have to defend myself against you, Yes, Barry wasn't real, as near as I can tell. He sure felt real to me. I'm aware that this isn't something I'm necessarily going to get better from, but give me a f@#$ing break! Jesus Christ do you think this is f#$%ing easy for me? You don't know what this feels like. Sure, you may have had depression, and I'm sorry to hear that, because it sucks, but f@#$ you for thinking you know who I am, and you know what I'm going through. How much am I supposed to just sit back and accept. Did I slash my own tires? Did I write myself a note? I don't f@#$ing know. OK? Is this what you had hoped to accomplish? You're a f@#$ing selfish monster. I'm going through a lot right now, and instead of even being nice to me, you're attacking me. So f@#$ you Brandon.

9:59 PM

Blogger ScarrletWidow said...


You poor darling. I know what you're going through with Brandon and Just me. There are people like that in my community. What is very scary is that they actually do mean well when they rant as they do. I don't think that anyone will ever understand why there are those that need to fight angrily to prove a moot point. I'm very glad that your mom came and in essence, rescued you. You sound like a very nice guy, going through some tough sh*t. The good news is that it will get better. Just a side note, isn't one of your favorite movies In the mouth of madness? Funny that in this blog we all have witnessed yours. I think that you are very brave. It isn't everyone that could share with Joe Public their very private and somewhat tortured life.

9:55 AM

Blogger pinkpigpie said...

:) Glad to see you're back. Hang in there and keep writing.

11:00 AM


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