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Thursday, March 03, 2005

Schizoaffective Disorder Resources

So my therapist sent gave me some articles to read on the internet about my disorder, and I've done some research on my own in addition, and I thought I'd post the links here for anyone who is interested in learning more about what I'm going through. And if not, well, then just ignore this posting.

Schizoaffective Disorder Defenition and Diagnosis:


Zyprexa (Olanzapine) Information:



Blogger Michelle, the moon rabbit said...

"When you start taking ZYPREXA, keep in mind that it can take several weeks before you notice a difference in the way you feel."

Funny how a medical journal, webMD and YOUR links all say the same thing, huh JD? Furthers the evalutation that feeling much better after three days isn't quite correct. Just pointing out the obvious again...

9:40 AM

Blogger JD Peterson said...

Just Me

WHy won't you leave me alone? You and your husband have done enough. I wish that instead of nitpicking about me and my life, you could maybe just be happy for me that I'm feeling better? Evidently that's to much to ask. Oh, and by the way, when you're quoting the website, it would be nice if you included the entire text, instead fo just the part you feel proves your point.

"When you start taking ZYPREXA, keep in mind that it can take several weeks before you notice a difference in the way you feel. The time it takes to experience the full effects of ZYPREXA may vary from person to person, depending on individual symptoms and the dosage prescribed."

My therapist, Doctor, and I are all pleased with the way my recovery has been. I'm sorry your too selfish to think the same thing, and are only interested in making me look bad. Either you believe me, or you don't, and frankly, I don't care either way.

You're convinced that I'm making all this up? Fine. DO what you want. But I hope, somewhere, in the back of your mind, is the phrase "What if". What if I'm telling the truth? And you and your husband are acting like this? Tells a lot about what kind of a person you really are.

12:15 PM

Blogger Michelle, the moon rabbit said...

Correct, the time it takes to experienc e the FULL effects depends on each person....but that would be AFTER it builds up enough in your system to start working...

What you need to be asking yourself is, what if I know people who have your so called disease and know factually exactly what it is that happens? Guess what JD, I do...

I'm done asking "what if" with you...Brandon did say he would leave you alone..I on the other hand, did not. Well until now that is. Enjoy your fantasy JD. You've insulted my intelligence enough for this lifetime.

12:26 PM


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