More Encounters With the Ghosts!!!
OK, so last night some pretty scary stuff happened to me. The evening started out like they all have since last saturday, me eating some dinner, usually some microwave dinner or something, watching a movie, and feeling sorry for myself. Then, I play some World of Warcraft to try and clear my mind (I find if I keep myself busy, I tend to stay in better spirits than if I sit and dwell on how lonely I am). I got really tired around 1:00 a.m. so I decided to go to bed. No big deal right? Well, first of all, I had a horrible nightmare:
I was walking through a crowded street. I could tell I was tying to find my Dad (yes, another one of my Dad dreams), but no matter where I look, or how hard I look, I can't find him. I'm literally running as fast as I can through this city, screaming my Dad's name, pushing random pedestrians out of the way (I've always wanted to do that) in a n effort to find him. That's when I notice someone is following me. It's a man, he's tall, has dark long hair hanging over his eyes, and he's dressed all in black. I start to panic and run faster to get away from him, but for some reason I can't seem to lose him. Finally, I get tired, and just turn arond and shout "What do yuo want". THe man raises his head, and his hair falls back from his face, showing his red eyes. And by red, I don't mean the cheesey sort of glowing red eyes, I mean his eyes were bloody red, with black pupils, and he was crying tears of blood down his cheeks. He smiled wickedly, and pointed behind me. Behind me I could see two other men, who were dressed and looked just like the red eyed guy, holding my Dad. They then ran off, and I tried to follow them, but they man grabbed me and held me down, laughing loudly in my face. I could literally feel his stinking hot breath against my cheek. And that's when I woke up.
I was then laying in bed, panting and sweating, when I heard my name being whispered. At first I though maybe it was my imagination, but it got louder and louder. it sounded like several (3-5) people saying my name over and over again, and they were either getting louder and louder, or closer and closer to my ear, until it finally sounded like they were inside my head. I got up and turned on the lights in my room, and the whispering stopped. As I was standing there, my eyes wide open, I heard seomthing loud moving in the next room, like someone sliding furniture across the floor. I opened my door, and sure enough, out in my living room, the couch had been slid across the floor about three feet. It wasn't a huge amount, but it was certainly noticable.
This, of course freaked me out. I called out "Hello" a couple of times, and no one responded. But what was I going to do, so I decided to go back to bed. When I got back into my room, someone had emptied the contents of my dresser onto my bed, and the books that had just been on the bookshelf were all neatly stacked on the floor in front of it. I must have jumped fifteen feet (i'm lucky I didn't send my head through the ceiling). I mean, I didn't hear a single thing, but there the books were, neatly stacked, and there my clothes were, piled ina mess where I had, only moments before, been soundly sleeping. I pushed the clothes onto the floor, curled up under the covers,a nd tried to go back to sleep. I probably only dozed off for a half hour or so the rest of the night, I was so freaked out.
When I woke up, the clothes were still on the floor, and the books were still stacked in front of the bookshelf, so I know it wasn't a dream or anything. It's just so bizarre. I mean, it's like my ghost just likes messing with my head. A couple of people have suggested I get a priest to come to my house to bless it and get rid of the ghost, but the problem is, well, I'm not very religious, and so where would I even go, or who would I call to get something like that done? It's not like I can just look up "Excorcism" in the phone book and give "Joe's Discount Excorcisms" a call. Oh well. I guess I'll figure something out.
On the plus side, I have barely thought about Carrie at all today. So maybe the whole ghost thing is a blessing in disguise. :) Catch you all later!!!
eeeeeeeeeeeeep! holy CRAP! that is so freaky, and i SO wish i could be there with you cause i want to experience that. freaky as hell, but still really cool. and it would be far less scary with another person there. but seriously, you need to set up recorders and video cameras! that would be my best advice. you could just ask friends or anyone if they have a camera or recorder you could borrow for like, a week, and set it up each night. good luck! and go sleep at erik's or something! heh.
2:30 PM
JD: Well, well, well... you definitely have an active ghost in your apartment. I don't think having your place exorcised is the answer though, that actually leads to situations worsening. I'd suggest you contact these folks:
they may be able to send some investigators to your place. With most active hauntings, you need only tell the ghost to leave you be, and they usually will. But yeah, contact the Shadowland folks and see if they can help. I'll be back to check up on your progress.
3:14 PM
Yea, you're telling me?!?! I'm sleeping at Erik's tonight (in fact I'm here right now), and probably will continue to do so for awhile. The camera idea is a good one though. Or at least an audio recorder, since i've never actually seen anything. Hmm....I'll have to figure something out.
3:15 PM
I saw you had posted on one of my friend's blogs about a ghost. You didn't put what your blog name was but fortunately I was still able to find you.
In my experience, when tere are traumatic things happening to a person in their life, they project energy outside of themselves, thus creating the phenom of things moving.
But then, I know ghosts and I know they can be mischievious.
Quite frankly, I don't think it's a ghost at all but rather a poltergeist. the movie! Ghosts can make noises and special appearences. Poltergeist move things and can actually attack you.
Only one way to know for certain what's in your house is if yo go in there and tell it to leave. But make sure that you are comletely calm when you do it. That will eliminate the theory of your own energy making theses things happen.
3:25 PM
Hah, seriously, could I spend the night! That is some awsome occurances...
Call Doctors Spangler, Venkman, and Stantz quick!
3:30 PM
what i want to know is...this book you found on the street...with the weird writing...did you have it before the ghosts started doing this? or did you find it after?
it just sticks out in my mind that dream you had with the ghost holding the book...
correllation?? coincidence?? creepy??
10:22 PM
You know, it's hard to remember. It probably was around the same time that things started happeneing. I should go back and glance through the blog to make sure, but I think it was around the same time that I thought Erik was knocking on my door as a prank, but it ended up not being him, and it wan't my neighbor kids either. But what would a book I found on the ground have to do with a ghost?
9:20 AM
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