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Friday, January 14, 2005

Back To Save the Universe

Hello Everyone.

Sorry I haven't posted for awhile. it's been hard, you know? I mean, all these emotions running on high. Plus I have a really bad crick in my neck form sleeping on Erik's tiny couch for the last two nights. No fun at all. There's just so much going on in my brain right now, it feels like it's going to explode. Carrie, my Dad, the stupid Ghost. It's like my brain doesn't know what it should be stressing out over, so it just stresses out while my body goes into numb shock.

But onto the problem that I can actually do something about. So I've gotten a lot of good advice from people about what to do about this whole Ghost/Poltergeist thing. I've broken them down into catergories, ranked in the order that I think I'm willing to try them.

1 - We don't know what it is, but since it isn't trying to hurt me, I should investigate it more. This seems like the best idea to me, at this point. Video cameras (if I can get one) or sound recording equipment. I mean, if it's such an active ghost, maybe I can get some definitive proof! So basically just ride it out and see what happens, maybe it will just go away.

2 - Make friends with the Ghost. Tell it I'm not there to hurt it, and I want to coexist with them. This seems a bit out there for me. I mean, it's not that I'm prejudiced or anything :) but ghosts as friends? A little weird me thingks. But it might be worth a try, if things keep getting ugly.

3 - Get them out of my house through religious means. Excorcism, consecrated oil, cammanding them out in the name of Jesus Christ. Basically, pick a fight with them. Sounds scary, and too much like the movies.

4 - Get some incense, crystals, or stones that eliminate negative energies from my house. The thing is, I don't know how much I believe in that sort of thing. I mean, I do believe in God, though I'm not sure about most religions, but the energy thing? I mean, what do you mean by "negative" energy? It's not like in science there is positive and negative energy? I guess I just don't understand enough about this solution to use it effectively.

Thanks to everyone who helped me out with their advice, and I promise I'll e-mail back all the people who have sent me messages. I just have felt so overwhelmed lately. Erik's planning and sleeping at my place with me tomorrow night, and we're going to try and record some voices, or pretty much anything, and just see what happens. Neither of us has a camera, but Erik thinks he might be able to borrow one from his Uncle. I guess we'll see. I hope you're all doing well, and not to worried about me. :) Things will work themselves out, like they always seem to. I'm just along for the ride.


Blogger Michelle, the moon rabbit said...

JD - Ghosts, entities, poltergiest, people trees...yadda yadda yadda...they ALL have an energy and that is scientifically proven. In some cases, ghosts or entitites or whatever will drain the life of a light bulb to exist. They can feed off of your own energy to exist. The can alter or change the atmoshperic/magnetic readings in a room, a house, a field...and so on because of the energy they create or drain.

And then there is case B. You and all your stresses combined can actually be externallizing "negative" energy. An example of this would be, being around a person who is highly angry or severly depressed. You would feel that and it would effect you. If that person were in a great mood and full of excitment, you would feel THAT energy form them. Well....with everything that is going on with you, the energy that you are producing is (my favorite word coming up) manifesting itself externally. You may not have a ghost....it may be YOU.

If all else...pray. Pray to God, Jesus, Allah, The Virgin Mary or St. Peter for protection and to rid your home of this invasion...

Invest in some books about all this. It's usually the non-believers that get hit the hardest. If you don't believe....if you don't have faith in the unseen forces of the universe....you better start.

Go to


for some other points of view about ghosts.

10:05 AM


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