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Wednesday, January 12, 2005

New Posters

Well, I started searching around randomly in people's blogs today, looking for people who listed "ghosts" as an interest, and asking them for some advise about what I should do. So we may, (or may not) see some new people posting in JD's Space. And if you're here to help, thank you so much for taking the time to do so. I just don't really know how to handle something like this. But then, who does?



Blogger Rev. Kimberly Rich said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

3:42 PM

Blogger Michelle, the moon rabbit said...

Also, here is someone local (my local) who may be able to help.


Good luck!

3:43 PM

Blogger Queen on the run said...

JD, you do have several ghosts in your home, they are harmless and wish only for you to acknowledge them. Once you do that and tell them that what they are doing frigtens you they will stop..Just let them know if they wish to communicate to flicker the lights or change the stations on the radio instead.When you hear them running and slamming things it is because of all things you have frightened them! Just speak to them in a calm matter of fact voice, make friends with them and soon you will be having dreams where you will meet them and you will know each of them by name.You can also help them out by letting them know that they have passed over and should go into the light.If you have anymore questions just ask. you can contact me at mskajunkitty@yahoo.com I would love to discuss this further with you...

4:57 PM

Blogger Lemondrop said...

Well, JD, I don't know what religion you are, but you could try going to a metaphysical store and asking the clerks there. You might be able to find an incense that will help clear out your space, or some stones which have the right energy. This is what I would do if the ghost in my house were frightening me as badly as the one in yours is. (All mine ever does is look in on my kids.) Or you might think that I'm a total new-age nutcase and ignore my advice, which won't offend me. To each his own.

6:28 PM

Blogger Michelle said...

Wow that's some ghost you got there (or ghosts, who knows?). My Aunt Martha lived in a home with a poltergeist for a while...it threw dishes in the kitchen, moved furniture, and locked her out of the house on several occasions.

You should DEFINITELY try to do something about it/them. It could be that they're looking for acknowledgement, as one poster said, but it could also be that they feel like you're intruding on their space and are trying to make you leave.

In any case, they need to be "shown the door"...by that I mean they need to be made aware that it's time to cross over and move on. There are people who can do this. How to find them? Good question, but your local metaphysical bookstore is a great place to start (if you have one nearby).

Good luck! And I look forward to reading about what happens. =)

9:53 PM

Blogger Michelle said...

Oh FYI...I found this by Googling "Minneapolis Ghost Hunter"...


They might be able to help!

10:10 PM

Blogger Aimee said...

hey, i tried to email you and MSN was having issues, so i'm not sure if it got to you. Email me back to let me know if you received it; if you did and you simply don't want to acknowledge me any more, that's fine too. sweetindigoblues@msn.com

11:06 PM

Blogger flea said...

well consider me one of the "new posters" on your blog, I am always interested in ghosts, ghost stories, etc and I even belive that the previous house I lived in had a few ghosts of it's own. Things would be left open, I would hear noises etc. So when I saw your comment on justscarlett's blog I just had to check your blog out. Nice to meet you & hope you stop by my site sometime and i'll probably pop in & out of yours every now & then.

12:23 PM


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